Kimberlé Crenshaw at the National Urban League Demand Diversity Emergency Session on DEI

Kimberlé Crenshaw - Class Speaker - 2022 Induction Ceremony

The urgency of intersectionality | Kimberlé Crenshaw | TED

Kimberle Crenshaw Highlight Reel
Kimberlé Crenshaw
How Colorblindness Flourished in the Age of Obama, in Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness across the Disciplines, (edited by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Luke Charles Harris, Daniel Martinez HoSang, and George Lipsitz, University of California Press, 2019).
Unmasking Colorblindness in the Law: Lessons from the Formation of Critical Race Theory, in Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness across the Disciplines, (edited by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Luke Charles Harris, Daniel Martinez HoSang, and George Lipsitz, University of California Press, 2019).
An Intersectional Critique of Tiers of Scrutiny: Beyond “Either/Or” Approaches to Equal Protection (with Devon W. Carbado), 129 The Yale Law Journal Forum 108 (2019). Full Text
We Still Have not Learned from Anita Hill's Testimony, 26 UCLA Women's Law Journal 17 (2019). Full Text
Race Liberalism and the Deradicalization of Racial Reform, 130 Harvard Law Review 2298 (2017).
Toward a Field of Intersectionality Studies: Theory, Applications, and Praxis (with Sumi Cho and Leslie McCall), 38 (4) Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 785 (2013).
Keeping Up With Jim Jones: Pioneer, Taskmaster, Architect, Trailblazer, 2013 Wisconsin Law Review 703 (2013). Full Text
From Private Violence to Mass Incarceration: Thinking Intersectionally About Women, Race, and Social Control, 59 UCLA Law Review 1418 (2012). Full Text
Race, Reform and Retrenchment: Transformation and Legitimation in Antidiscrimination Law, 12 German Law Review 247 (2011).
Twenty Years of Critical Race Theory: Looking Back to Move Forward, 43 Connecticut Law Review 1253-1352 (2011). Full Text
Close Encounters of Three Kinds: On Teaching Dominance, Feminism, and Intersectionality, 46 Tulsa Law Review 151-89 (2010). Symposium: Catharine MacKennon. Full Text
Framing Affirmative Action, 105 Michigan Law Review First Impressions 123 (2007).
A Black Feminist Critique of Antidicrimination Law, in Philosophical Problems in the Law, 339-343 4th ed. (edited by David M. Adams, Wadsworth, 2005).
The First Decade: Critical Reflections, or “A Foot in the Closing Door”, 49 UCLA Law Review 1343-72 (2002).
Opening Remarks: Reclaiming Yesterday’s Future, 47 UCLA Law Review 1459-65 (2000).
Playing Race Cards: Constructing a Pro-active Defense of Affirmative Action, 16 National Black Law Journal 196-214 (2000).
Foreword, in Black Men on Race, Gender and Sexuality: A Critical Reader, (edited by Devon W. Carbado, New York University Press, 1999).
The Contradictions of Mainstream Constitutional Theory (with Gary Peller), 45 UCLA Law Review 1683-1715 (1998). Symposium: Voices of the People: Essays on Constitutional Democracy In Memory of Professor Julian N. Eule.
Color-blind Dreams and Racial Nightmares: Reconfiguring Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era, in Birth of A Nation`hood: Gaze, Script and Spectacle in the O.J. Simpson Trial, (edited by Toni Morrison and Claudia Brodsky LaCour, Pantheon Books, 1997).
Panel Presentation on Cultural Battery, 25 University of Toledo Law Review 891-901 (1994).
Beyond Racism and Misogyny: Black Feminism and 2 Live Crew, in Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assualtive Speech and the First Amendment, (Westview, 1993). Also published in Feminist Social Thought: A Reader (edited by Diana Tietjens Meyers, Routledge (1998).
Reel Time/Real Justice (with Gary Peller), 70 Denver University Law Review 283-96 (1993). Colloquy: Racism in the Wake of the Los Angeles Riots.
Race, Gender, and Sexual Harassment, 65 Southern California Law Review 1467-76 (1992).
Running from Race (Commentary on the Democrats’ Discourse on Race) (with Gary Peller), 7 Taken 13-17 (1992).
Whose Story Is It, Anyway? Feminist and Antiracist Appropriations of Anita Hill, in Race-ing Justice, En-gendering Power, 402-40 (edited by Toni Morrison, Pantheon Books, 1992).
Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color, 43 Stanford Law Review 1241-99 (1991). Women of Color at the Center: Selections from the Third National Conference on Women of Color and the Law.
Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics, 1989 University of Chicago Legal Forum 139-67 (1989). Reprinted in The Politics of Law: A Progressive Critique 195-217 (2nd ed., edited by David Kairys, Pantheon, 1990).
Toward a Race-Conscious Pedagogy in Legal Education (Foreword: Voting Rights: Strategies for Legal and Community Action), 11 National Black Law Journal 1-14 (1989).
Race, Reform, and Retrenchment: Transformation and Legitimation in Antidiscrimination Law, 101 Harvard Law Review 1331-87 (1988). Reprinted in Critical Legal Thought: An American-German Debate (edited by Christian Joerges and David M. Trubek, Nomos, 1989).
The Court's Denial of Racial Societal Debt, 40-DEC Human Rights 12 (2013).
Ahead to the Past: The Politics of Plessy, 3 Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noir 8 (2001).
Book Review: Stranger Than Fiction, 15 California Lawyer 63-67 (1995). Reviewing Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas, by Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson.