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Posted here is the Letter of 200 Concerned Black Men Calling for the Inclusion of Women and Girls to the President’s "My Brother’s Keeper" Initiative. The open letter questions how attempts to address the challenges facing males of color, without integrating a comparable focus on the complex lives of girls and women who live and struggle together in the same families, homes, schools, and neighborhoods, advances the interests of the community as a whole. As Kiese Leymon, one of the organizers noted, “The men who came together to lift up this issue are organizers, professors, recently incarcerated, filmmakers, taxi drivers, college students, high school teachers, ministers, former pro­athletes, fathers of sons, and fathers of daughters. These men, identifying as straight, queer and transgender, all share a commitment to the expansion of My Brothers Keeper ­­ and all other national youth interventions ­­ to include an explicit focus on the structural conditions that negatively impact all youth of color.” All Black men who believe that it is vital for our community to hold up the reality that shared fate requires a shared focus on interventions that work are encouraged to sign the letter by clicking here:

NOTE: Affiliations are listed for identification purposes only and do not imply the endorsement of the listed institution.

Letter of 200 Concerned Black Men calling for the Inclusion of Women and Girls in "My Brother's Keeper"

May 28, 2014

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, D.C.. 20500

Dear President Obama,

We write as African American men who have supported your presidency, stood behind you when the inevitable racist challenges to your authority have emerged, and have understood that our hopes would be tempered by the political realities that you would encounter. While we continue to support your presidency, we write both out of a sense of mutual respect and personal responsibility to address what we believe to be the unfortunate missteps in the My Brothers Keeper initiative (MBK). In short, in lifting up only the challenges that face males of color, MBK -- in the absence of any comparable initiative for females -- forces us to ask where the complex lives of Black women and Black girls fit into the White House’s vision of racial justice?

Your acknowledgment that race-conscious policies are still needed, and that addressing the needs of those left behind “is as important as any issue that you work on” was inspiring to us. We agree with your sense that racial inequality remains an urgent American problem that, as you indicated, “goes to the very heart” of why you ran for the presidency. We knew very well that you were echoing Dr. King’s observations when you noted that “groups that have had the odds stacked against them in unique ways...require unique solutions.” We understand, as do you, that those ‘’who have seen fewer opportunities that have spanned generations” include men and women in our communities who have struggled side-by-side against the opportunity gaps, shrinking resources and disparate conditions that contribute to the desperate circumstances facing our community. So we were surprised and disappointed that your commitments express empathy to only half of our community -- men and boys of color. Simply put, as Black men we cannot afford to turn away from the very sense of a shared fate that has been vital to our quest for racial equality across the course of American history.

As African Americans, and as a nation, we have to be as concerned about the experiences of single Black women who raise their kids on sub-poverty wages as we are about the disproportionate number of Black men who are incarcerated. We must care as much about Black women who are the victims of gender violence as we do about Black boys caught up in the drug trade. We must hold up the fact that Black women on average make less money and have less wealth than both White women and Black men in the United States just as we must focus on the ways in which Black men and women are disproportionately excluded from many professions.

We are not suggesting a national moratorium on Black male-oriented projects. But our sense of accountability does reflect the fact that our historic struggle for racial justice has always included men as well as women who have risked everything not just for themselves or for their own gender but for the prospects of the entire community. Moreover, we are concerned that your admonishment to Black and Latino men to be more responsible and to stop making excuses frames problems of educational attainment, unemployment, and incarceration consistent with those who say Blacks suffer from a “culture of pathology.” We believe in a vision of accountability and racial justice that is neither male-centered, heteropatriarchal or victim blaming.

Taking the lives of Black girls and women seriously would increase the likelihood that we would recognize and lift up loving parents regardless of whether they exist in single, dual, same-sex or opposite sex families; decrease our tendency to express nostalgia for a family structure whose absence wrongfully becomes the putative focal point for all that ails us; and put into sharp relief the fact that the obstacles we face are not simply matters of attitude adjustment and goal setting, but the consequences of deteriorating opportunities, the weakened enforcement of civil rights laws, and the increasing emphasis by government actors on policies that focus on punishment, surveillance, and incarceration.

We recommend an expansion of the MBK -- and all other national youth interventions -- to include an explicit focus on the structural conditions that negatively impact all Black youth. Of course encouraging young Black men and women to do their very best is important, as is holding them accountable when we think that is warranted. Our interventions, however, must acknowledge that the life chances of youth of color are impacted by the converging dynamics of racism, sexism, class stratification, homophobia and other such factors. For example, MBK, in its current iteration, solely collects social data on Black men and boys. What might we find out about the scope, depth and history of our structural impediments, if we also required the collection of targeted data for Black women and girls?

If the denunciation of male privilege, sexism and rape culture is not at the center of our quest for racial justice, then we have endorsed a position of benign neglect towards the challenges that girls and women face that undermine their well-being and the well-being of the community as a whole. As Black men we believe if the nation chooses to “save” only Black males from a house on fire, we will have walked away from a set of problems that we will be compelled to return to when we finally realize the raging fire has consumed the Black women and girls we left behind.


  1. Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr., Civil Rights Icon and Mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. Danny Glover, American Actor, Film Director and Political Activist

  3. Darnell L. Moore, Editor, Founder of ‘You Belong,’ Brooklyn, NY

  4. Devon Carbado, The Honorable Harry Pregerson Professor of Law at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  5. Marlon Peterson, Program Coordinator at ‘Youth Organizing to Save Our Streets’, Brooklyn NY

  6. Robin D. G. Kelly, The Gary B. Nash Endowed Chair in United States History, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  7. Oscar H. Blayton, Lawyer, Williamsburg, VA

  8. Ricardo Guthrie, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ

  9. Michael Hanchard, SOBA Presidential Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University

  10. Luke Charles Harris, Co-Founder of the African American Policy Forum, Department of Political Science, Vassar College, New York, NY

  11. Kiese Laymon, Author, English Department, Vassar College, Jackson, MS

  12. Mark Anthony Neal, Professor Of African and African American Studies

  13. Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, Pastor for Formation and Justice, First Baptist Church, Jamaica Plains, MA

  14. Dr. James Turner, Founding Director, Africana Studies Center, Cornell University

  15. Michael Dawson, John D. MacArthur Professor of Political Science and the College Director of the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture, The University of Chicago

  16. David Ikard, Associate Professor of English at Florida State University, Ph.D.

  17. Nyle Forte, Teacher and Baptist Pastor, Newark, NJ

  18. Walter Fields, Executive Editor and Columnist at North Star News, Irvington, NJ

  19. Houston Baker, Distinguished University Professor of English and African American Diaspora Studies at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

  20. Cedric Robinson, Department of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

  21. Charles Steele, President and CEO, Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Atlanta, GA

  22. Thomas Sayers Ellis, Professor, Poet, Photographer

  23. Eduardo Bonilla Silva, Professor of Sociology at Duke University, Durham, NC

  24. Mychal Denzel Smith, freelance writer and social commentator, Knobler Fellow at the Nation Institute, Brooklyn, NY

  25. Wade Davis II, Speaker, writer, activist, educator, former NFL player, Co-Founder of You Belong, Executive Director of You Can Play, New York, NY

  26. Scott Poulson-Bryant, Award-winning Journalist and Author, co-founding editor at Vibe Magazine

  27. Alexander Hardy, Writer

  28. Saeed Jones, Writer and Editor, A 2013 Pushcart Prize Winner, Brooklyn, NY

  29. Charles Mills, John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

  30. Cleve Tinsley IV, Ordained Baptist minister, Adjunct Professor of Religion and Culture at Rice University and Springfield College, Houston, TX

  31. Al-Lateef Farmer, EOF Recruiter/Student Development Specialist at Mercer County Community College Philadelphia, PA

  32. Kamasi Hill, Evanston Township High School, Chicago, IL

  33. Robert Jones, Jr., Writer and Founder, Son of Baldwin, Brooklyn, NY

  34. Robert Hill, Afro-American and Caribbean History, Editor of the Marcus Garvey and UNIA Papers, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  35. Ted Bunch, Activist, Educator, Co-Founder of A Call to Men, Rockville Centre, NY

  36. Brad “Kamikaze” Franklin, President/CEO at Our Glass Entertainment, Jackson, MS

  37. David Whettstone, Public Policy Advocate & Writer, Washington, DC

  38. Adisa Ajamu, Executive Director at the Atunwa Community Collective Development Think Tank, Los Angeles, CA

  39. Herman Beavers, Associate Professor of English and Africana Studies at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

  40. Wren Brown, Actor, Los Angeles, CA

  41. Oscar Alexander Robles, Manager of Non-profit Partnerships, Former Co-Director in the Coalition for Equitable Communities at Florida State University

  42. Ade Raphael, Student, Irvine, CA

  43. Seth Bynum, Student, Montclair, NJ

  44. Julian Williams, Director of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, Vassar College

  45. Ocasio Wilson, Albany, NY

  46. Merio Maye, Far Rockaway, NY

  47. Terrell Tate

  48. Dashawn Walker, Bowdoin College Class of 2014, Portland, ME

  49. Ken Miles, Harlem, NY

  50. Elijah Winston, Student, Gilbert, AZ

  51. Matthew Brown, Student, Brooklyn, NY

  52. Juan Thompson, Student, Chicago, IL

  53. Jon Conningham, Digital Media student at the University of Washington

  54. James Cantres, Student, African Diaspora at NYU

  55. Chad Anderson, Program Associate, Office of Integrative Liberal Learning and the Global Commons

  56. Jafari Allen, Associate Professor of Anthropology & African American Studies at Yale University

  57. Guthrie Ramsey, Professor of Music at University of Pennsylvania

  58. Monroe France, Assistant Vice President for Student Diversity/Director of Multicultural Education and Services, NYU

  59. Clifton Hall

  60. Isaiah M. Wooden, Ph.D candidate and Director-dramaturg, Department of Drama at Stanford

  61. Aaron Talley, Activist, Writer, Educator, Blogger for the Black Youth Project, Detroit, MI

  62. La Marr Jurelle Bruce, Lecturer in Theater Studies, Yale University.

  63. Dr. Van Bailey, Inaugural Director of the Office of BGLTQ Student Life at Harvard College

  64. Donald P. Gagnon, Associate Professor of English at Western Connecticut State University

  65. Donald Anthonyson, Organizer, Families for Freedom, New York, NY

  66. Andrew Cory Greene, Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellow, Alternative to Incarceration and Higher Education Intervention, New York, NY

  67. Abraham Paulos, Director of Families for Freedom, NY

  68. Duane Robinson

  69. Hashim K. Pipkin, Writer and educator, Randallstown, MD

  70. Bryson Rose, Ohio University Program Coordinator of Pregnancy Prevention at the Hetrick-Martin Institute HMHS, New York, NY

  71. Luis Inoa, Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life at Vassar College, Brooklyn/Queens, NY

  72. Akeel St. Vil, Brooklyn, NY

  73. Tony Porter, Educator and Activist, Co-Founder of A Call to Men, Rockville Centre, NY

  74. Guy Lefevre

  75. Kleaver Cruz, Writer and Teacher, Dream Director at Leadership Institute in the Bronx, New York, NY

  76. Walter Cruz, Graphic designer, New York, NY

  77. Abraham Gatling, Watertown, CT

  78. Kendall Coleman Bronx, NY

  79. Russell Robinson, Professor and Distinguished Haas Chair in LGBT Equity, UC Berkeley Law

  80. Quincy James Rineheart, M.Div., Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

  81. Ahmad Greene-Hayes, Williams College ’16, Williamstown, MA

  82. Paul Daniels, II, Morehouse College ’12, Atlanta, GA

  83. Tim’m T. West, Activist, Educator, Artist, Director of Youth Services at the Center on Halsted, Chicago, IL

  84. Derrick Walker

  85. Weslee Glenn, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cal Tech, Los Angeles, CA

  86. Vaughn E. Taylor-Akutagawa, Activist, Entrepreneur, Researcher, and Executive Director at Gay Men of African Descent, New York, NY

  87. Charles McKinney, Associate Professor and Director of Africana Studies Program at Rhodes College, Memphis, TN

  88. Hiram Perez, Assistant Professor, English Department at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY

  89. Preston Mitchum, Adjunct Professor, Advanced Legal Research and Writing at Georgetown University, Washington, DC

  90. Kiyan Williams, Artist, Performer, Stanford ’13, Stanford, CA

  91. John Murillo III, PhD candidate, English Department at Brown University, Providence, RI

  92. Dymir Arthur, Dean of School Culture at Achievement First, Brooklyn, NY

  93. Alan Mullins

  94. Kevin Lawrence Henry Jr., PhD candidate in Education at University of Madison-Wisconsin, Madison, WI

  95. Michael Dumas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education Leadership at NYU Steinhardt, New York, NY

  96. Riko A. Boone, Counselor at The Door, Outstanding HIV prevention work of the the year awardee, New York, NY

  97. Devon Tyrone Wade, Paul F. Lazarsfeld Fellow in Sociology at Columbia University, New York, NY

  98. Aunsha Hall-Everett, Consultant at Harm Reduction Coalition, New York, NY

  99. Allen K. James

  100. Durrell Callier, Doctoral student at University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign’s School of Education, Policy, Organization & Leadership, Champaign-Urbana, IL

  101. James Roane, Graduate Student in History at Columbia University, New York, NY

  102. George Bellinger, Jr., AIDS Activist, New York, NY

  103. Darius Clark Monroe, Filmmaker, Director of Evolution of a Criminal, Brooklyn, NY

  104. Richard Yarborough, Professor of English at UCLA, Faculty Research Associate at the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  105. Alex Blue V, Doctoral Student in Ethnomusicology at UC Santa Barbara, University of Northern Texas

  106. Alvin Starks, Creator and Former Director of the Racial Justice Initiative at the Open Society Institute, Brooklyn, NY

  107. Devon Peterson

  108. Chris Mcauley, Associate Professor in Black Studies at UC Santa Barbara, PhD in Political Science from the University of Michigan, Santa Barbara, CA

  109. Clarence Lusane, Professor of Political Science and International Relations, American University, Washington, DC

  110. Monty Pender, Transportation Director, ABCD, Canton, OH

  111. James Gordon Williams, Theorist, Composer, Pianist, a Yale Bouchet Scholar

  112. Roderick Ferguson, Professor of American Studies at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

  113. Johari Jabir, Assistant Professor of African American Studies at University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, IL

  114. Scot Brown, Associate Professor of History at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  115. Tyrone Forman, Associate Professor of Sociology at Emory University, Atlanta, GA

  116. Eddie Bruce-Jones, Lecturer in Law, Program Director, Admissions Tutor at Birkbeck University of London, London, England

  117. Obari Cartman, Photographer, Artist, Activist, Chicago, IL

  118. Maurice Jackson, Associate Professor of History at Georgetown University, Washington, DC

  119. David Melton

  120. Dr. Clemmie Harris, PhD candidate, Department of History at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

  121. Justin Stucey, Producer and Business Developer at Production Glue, New York, NY

  122. Gregory Davis, J.D./M.A. in Afro-American Studies and Law at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  123. Roland Roebuck, Activist, Washington, DC

  124. R. L'Heureux Lewis-McCoy, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology and Black Studies at the City College of New York, CUNY

  125. Davarian L. Baldwin, Paul Raether Distinguished Professor of American Studies, Trinity College, CT

  126. Dr. Brian Peterson

  127. Christopher Stackhouse, Maryland Institute College of Art Brooklyn, NY

  128. Nahum D. Chandler, Associate Professor of African American Studies University of California, Irvine

  129. Darrell Moore, Philosophy, De Paul University Chicago, IL

  130. Jason Saunders, Graduate student, UVA

  131. Robeson Taj Frazier, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

  132. Avery R. Young, Teaching Artist, Urban Gateways, Chicago, IL

  133. Johnny E. Williams, Department of Sociology, Trinity College, Hartford, CT

  134. James Ford, Occidental College

  135. Herman Gray. Department of Sociology, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA

  136. Arthur Little, Professor of English, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  137. Abdul Ali, Goucher College, Towson, MD

  138. David H. Anthony, III, Department of History, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA

  139. Kai M. Green, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

  140. Bill Fletcher, Jr., Activist/Educator/Writer, Mitchellville, MD

  141. Tommie Shelby, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

  142. Peniel E. Joseph, Founding Director, Center for the Study of Race and Democracy, Tufts University, Somerville, MA

  143. Marcus Anthony Hunter, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Yale University. New Haven, CT

  144. Professor Joseph Wilson, City University of New York, NY

  145. Neil Roberts, Associate Professor, Africana Studies Program, Williams College

  146. Jonathan Collins, Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA

  147. Erik S McDuffie, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL

  148. Tavia Nyong'o, New York University, New York, NY

  149. Sidney J. Lemelle, Professor of History and Africana Studies, Pomona College Claremont, CA

  150. Minkah Makalani, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX & Brooklyn, NY

  151. Darnell Hunt, Director, Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA

  152. Pete Carr, Attorney

  153. Robert O’Meilly, Zora Neal Hurston Professor of English, Columbia University, New York, NY

  154. Robert Williams, Assistant Professor of African American Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

  155. John Keene, Author/Artist/Professor, Rutgers University, Jersey City, NJ

  156. Makungu M. Akinyela, Ph.D., LMFT, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

  157. Eric A. Hurley PhD, Department of Psychology, Pomona College, Claremont CA

  158. Geffrey Davis, Ph.D. Candidate, University Park, PA

  159. M. Keith Claybrook, Jr., CSU, Dominguez Hills/ Claremont Graduate University, Compton, CA

  160. Michael Stoll, Professor of Public Policy, and Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Urban Poverty

  161. Fred Moten, University of California, Riverside, CA

  162. Steve Edwards, Director of Marketing & Business Development, Elite Daily, New York, N.Y.

  163. Jerry G. Watts, Professor of English, Sociology and American Studies, CUNY Graduate Center

  164. Brian Tate, President, the Tate Group, Brooklyn, NY

  165. Frank Guridy, Department of History at UT-Austin, Austin, TX

  166. Eric Miller, Professor, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA

  167. Tarell Alvin McCraney, Playwright, Steppenwolf Ensemble Member, Chicago, MacArthur Grant Recipient 2013

  168. Dr. Tony Laing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  169. Damien Sojoyner, Scripps College, Los Angeles, CA

  170. Bryan Epps, The Shabazz Center, Newark, NJ

  171. Percy E. Holmes, Education Specialist, Brooklyn, NY

  172. Robert Warren, Personal Trainer and Fitness Expert, New York, NY

  173. Benjamin Reynolds, Clergy and Doctoral Seminary Student, Chicago, IL

  174. Jason Craig Harris, Humanities Educator, New York, NY

  175. Robert West, LGBT Advocate and Non-profit Administrator, New York, NY

  176. George Turner, Trial Lawyer

  177. Jelani Lindsey, Attorney, Rancho Cucamonga, Los Angeles, CA

  178. Robert Reid-Pharr, Distinguished Professor of English and American Studies, City University of New York, NY

  179. Michael Mitchell, PhD student, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA

  180. Geoff Ward, Professor and Parent, School of Social Ecology, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA

  181. Bennett Capers, Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, NY

  182. David Troutt, Professor of Law, Rutgers School of Law, Newark, NJ

  183. Kevin Powell, New York, NY

  184. Nick Mitchell, Ethnic Studies

  185. Prescott Saunders, Data Analyst, Poughkeepsie, NY

  186. William Johnson, Professor at University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

  187. Nicholas Brady, Graduate Student, University of California, Irvine

  188. Professor Ronald S. Sullivan, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA

  189. Professor Robert Westley, Tulane Law School

  190. David Wasserman, Public Defender, Los Angeles, CA

  191. Lester Myers, Security Guard, Forrest, MS

  192. Professor Thomas Mitchell, University of Wisconsin Law School

  193. Stephen Ward, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

  194. Christopher Marsburn, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Psychology & Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine

  195. Kent Faulcon, Actor, Writer, Director, Los Angeles, CA

  196. Andre Ware, Actor, Writer, New York, NY

  197. Paul Pelt, Chef, Washington, DC

  198. Theodore Craighead, Paris, France

  199. Melvin Smith, Jr., Architect, Birmingham, AL

  200. Milton Jennings, Engineer, Hyattsville, MD

  201. Anthony Norris, Clinton, MD

  202. Larry A. Stephens, Det. Sgt. Detroit, MI

  203. Rahsaan Patterson, Actor, Singer, Los Angeles, CA

  204. Herb Ruffin

  205. Byron Hurt, Filmmaker, God Bless the Child Productions, LLC

  206. Evan K. Marshall, London, UK

  207. Kori Natambu, Writer and Editor, The Panopticon Review, Berkeley, CA

  208. Maurice Wallace, Duke University, Durham, NC

  209. Eric Darnell Pritchard, Assistant Professor of English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  210. Ben Kabuye

  211. Devon Tart, Student, NY

  212. Aaron Evans, Jobs Plus Coordinator at Community Solutions, NY

  213. Quardean Lewis-Allen, Founder, Made in Brownsville, New York, NY

  214. Ryan Greenlee, Educator, Artist

  215. Zach Murray, Youth Advocate and Activist, Oakland, CA

  216. Fred H. Moore, Jr.

  217. Trey Williams-Former, Director of Student and Academic Services for the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

  218. Ovid Amorson, Human Being, Philadelphia, PA

  219. Torrence Gardner

  220. T. Hasan Johnson, Associate Professor in African Studies, California State, Fresno, CA

  221. Michelle Kemp, Atlanta, GA

  222. Nathan Griffin

  223. Emahunn Campbell, Ph.D. Candidate in the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-America Studies at UMass Amherst

  224. Marc Chery, Librarian

  225. Steven C. Pitts, Associate Chair, UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, Berkeley, CA

  226. Mitchell Saddler, Father

  227. Terry Smith, COO, Talented 10th Mentoring, NFP

  228. Darol Kay, Activist and Scholar, Irvine, CA

  229. Justin Jones, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA

  230. Raymond Winbush, Ph.D, Director, Institute for Urban Research, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD

  231. Dante E. Clark, Actor and Writer, Bronx, NY

  232. Kevin K. Gaines, Robert Hayden Collegiate Professor of History and African American Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

  233. Jordan Medina, Racial and Economic Justice Advocate, Oakland, CA

  234. Ty Schwoeffermann, Health Equity Coordinator for Urban League of Portland, Portland, Oregon

  235. Cornelius Moore, Co-Director, California Newsreel, San Francisco, California

  236. Dennis Tyler, Assistant Professor of English, Fordham University, New York, NY

  237. David J. Pate, Jr., Ph.D., MSW, Associate Professor

  238. Albert "Tootie" Heath, Jazz Musician, Santa Fe, NM

  239. Jonathan Fenderson, Assistant Professor, African & African American Studies, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO

  240. William "Pete" Glass, Retired, Sayulita, Mexico

  241. Chad Williams, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of African and Afro-American Studies, Brandeis University

  242. Isaac Miller, Episcopal clergy, Philadelphia, PA

  243. Keith Gilyard, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of English and African American Studies, Penn State, University Park, PA

  244. Antoine Hardy, Instructor of Speech, Writer, Doctoral Candidate, Shreveport, LA

  245. Justin Brown, Educator, Greensboro, NC

  246. Adrian Castrejon, UN Las Vegas, ND

  247. Matt Richardson, UT Austin, TX

  248. Jose Santillana, UNLV Public, ND

  249. Alvaader FrazierAttorneyalvaader@me.comNew York, NY

  250. Brandon Alston, Haverford College, Alum, Philadelphia, PA

  251. Anthony Browne, Professor of Africana Studies, Hunter College, New York, NY

  252. Joshua Jackson, student, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  253. Bakari Wallace, PhD Candidate/Social Worker, Detroit, MI

  254. Lawrence R Sneed, SGA @ Gamestop, Brooklyn, NY

  255. Sumit Baudh, Student, CA



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