AAPF Executive Director Kimberlé Crenshaw joined Joy Ann Reid on The ReidOut to explain the legal origins of Critical Race Theory and unpack the efforts of “anti-CRT” propagandists to rile up the GOP base, trigger their cultural anxieties, and rollback racial justice progress. (June 21, 2021)
AAPF Executive Director Kimberlé Crenshaw appeared as a guest on The Medhi Hasan Show, responding to Senator Ted Cruz’s comparison of remarks comparing critical race theory to the Ku Klux Klan and examined how the GOP’s censorship campaign rehearses familiar and well-worn arguments against racial justice made by white nationalists both after the Civil War and during the Civil Rights movement. (June 20, 2021)
Below are the latest updates from the disinformation and legislative campaign against critical race theory, social justice discourse, and race and gender education. Are we missing recent updates? Please send news and tips to truthbetold@aapf.org.
Coverage of organized attacks on racial and gender justice:
Debate over critical race theory has reached a critical point --- in Pittsburgh and across the country (Andrew Goldstein, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 25, 2021)
The culture war over critical race theory looks like the one waged 50 years ago over sex education (Valerie Strass, Washington Post, July 25, 2021)
Republicans newly alarmed by critical race theory see bans as 'more of a preventative' (Allan Smith, NBC News, July 23, 2021)
Today It’s Critical Race Theory. 200 Years Ago It Was Abolitionist Literature. (Anthony Conwright, Mother Jones, Sept/Oct 2021 Issue)
What Responsibility Do All Academics Have to Critical Race Theory? (Jennifer Ruth, Academe Blog, July 20, 2021)
Groups Fighting Climate Change Efforts Also Spearheading Critical Race Theory Hysteria (Geoff Dembicki, Vice, July 16, 2021).
Why Is the Country Panicking About Critical Race Theory? (Spencer Bokat-Lindell, The New York Times, July 13, 2021)
The obscure foundation funding "Critical Race Theory" hysteria (Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria, Popular Information, July 13, 2021)
Critical race theory battles are driving frustrated, exhausted educators out of their jobs (Tyler Kingkade, NBC News, July 12, 2021)
Critical race theory hysteria overshadows the importance of teaching kids about racism: (Jania Hoover, Vox, July 9, 2021)
Perspective | Critical race theory is just the new buzzword in conservatives’ war on campuses (Lauren Lassabe, Washington Post, July 7, 2021)
QAnon's new 'plan'? Run for school board (Ben Collins, NBC News, July 7, 2021)
This Isn’t the First “Critical Race Theory” Backlash (Mary Harris, Slate, July 6, 2021)
Thousands of teachers pledge to break anti-critical race theory laws (David Marcus, NY Post, July 6, 2021)
Don’t Ban Critical Race Instruction (Donna Brazile, WSJ Opinion, July 1, 2021)
General Milley, critical race theory and why GOP's 'woke' military concerns miss the mark
(NBC News, June 29, 2021)
(Word in Black, June 28, 2021)
(The Atlantic, June 28, 2021)
(Al Jazeera, June 28, 2021)
(The Daily Beast, June 24, 2021)
(Politico, June 23, 2021)
(Tampa Bay Times, June 22, 2021)
(The Conversation, June 21, 2021)
(New York Times, June 16, 2021)
(ABC13, June 16, 2021)
(Education Week, June 15, 2021)
(NBC News, June 15, 2021)
(Washington Post, June 12, 2021)
(USA Today, June 11, 2021)
(Miami Herald, June 10, 2021)
(Washington Post, June 8, 2021)
(Newsweek, June 8, 2021)
(Yahoo News, June 6, 2021)
(The Kansas City Star, June 4, 2021)
(New York Times, June 1, 2021)
Recommended articles, research, and critical analyses that help explain the who, what, where, and why of the coordinated attacks on critical race theory, racial justice, and anti-racist education. Includes useful explainers of critical race theory, research into the structure of the disinformation campaign, political analysis, and more. Updated weekly.
The Predictable Backlash to Critical Race Theory: A Q&A With Kimberlé Crenshaw (Jon Wiener, The Nation, July 5, 2021)
Cleaning House for the 4th of July and the Fireworks of Anti-anti-racism (Tanya Hernandez, Medium, July 3, 2021)
Chris Rufo is obsessed with critical race theory, he also doesn’t understand it (Samuel Hoadley-Brill, Flux, July 26, 2021)
It started with a mock ‘slave trade’ and a school resolution against racism. Now a war over critical race theory is tearing this small town apart. (Hannah Natanson, Washington Post, July 24, 2021)
Rise of the Right: White Supremacy and the Myth of the “White Working-Class” (Anthony DiMaggio, Counterpunch, July 23, 2021)
What the founders of critical race theory have to say about the conservative attacks (Rachel Hatzipanagos, Washington Post, July 22, 2021)
Perspective | The panic over critical race theory is an attempt to whitewash U.S. history (Kim Crenshaw, Washington Post, July, 2, 2021)
Perspective | Critical race theory’s opponents are sure it’s bad. Whatever it is. (Samuel Hoadley-Brill, Washington, Post, AAPF Fellow, July 2, 2021)
What actually is critical race theory anyway? (David Miguel Gray, Quartz, July 2, 2021)
'Look Us in the Eye' (Jack Stripling, Chronicle of Higher Education, July 1, 2021)
“Want to Dive Deeper Into Critical Race Theory?” (Columbia News, July 1, 2021)
The Attack on ‘Critical Race Theory’ (Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener, The Nation, July 1, 2021)
https://news.columbia.edu/news/critical-race-theory-news (Columbia [University] News, July 1, 2021: recent media citing K. Crenshaw)
The White Panic Behind Critical Race Theory (Zak Cheney-Rice, New York Magazine Intelligencer, June 30, 2021)
(Gary Peller, Politico, June 30, 2021)
(Fresh Air, June 24, 2021)
(Press Run, June 23, 2021)
(Marketplace, June 22, 2021)
(MSNBC/The Reid Out, June 21, 2021)
(MSNBC/The Medhi Hasan Show, June 20, 2021)
(Media Matters, June 17, 2021)
(Wall Street Journal, June 17, 2021)
(University World News, June 12, 2021)
(Melissa Gira Grant, The New Republic, June 8, 2021)
(Inside Higher Ed, June 3, 2021)
(Christine Emba, The Washington Post, May 26, 2021)
(CNN/Don Lemon Tonight, May 17, 2021)
(Theo Goldberg, Boston Review, May 7, 2021)
(The Atlantic, May 7, 2021)
(Newsweek, May 6, 2021)
(CNN, updated May 6, 2021)
(Marcus Johnson, Newsweek, May 5, 2021)
The Revocation of Executive Order 13950:
Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government (The White House, January 20, 2021)
President Joe Biden rescinds Donald Trump ban on diversity training about systemic racism (USA Today, January 20, 2021)
Biden Order Rescinds Diversity Training Restrictions, Requires Review of Agency Equity (Government Executive, January 20, 2021)
Biden revokes Trump order banning some diversity training (ABC News, January 21, 2021)
Biden revokes Trump ban on some diversity training addressing white privilege, systemic racism (Chicago Tribune, January 21, 2021)
President Biden Revokes Trump Administration’s Workplace Diversity Training Restrictions (National Law Review, February 3, 2021)
Trump’s controversial diversity training order is dead – or is it? Colleges are still feeling its effects. (USA Today, February 6, 2021)
Biden Reverses Trump Executive Order Banning Diversity Training (UCLA Law, March 17, 2021)
Executive Order 13950:
(The White House, September 4, 2020)
(The Executive Office of the President, September 28, 2021)
(The Washington Post, October 2, 2020)
(Vox, September 24, 2020)
(The Nation, September 17, 2020)
(NBC News Opinion, September 11/2020)
Legal Challenges to Executive Order 13950:
Read the full complaint here.
Lambda Legal Sues Trump Administration over Executive Order Banning Diversity Training, Nov. 3, 2020
Read the full complaint here.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, other civil rights groups sue over Trump order banning diversity training
(The Hill, 10/29/2020)
The Impacts of Executive Order 13950:
(USA Today, February 6, 2021)
(USA Today, 01/07/2021
(National Law Review, 12/29/2020)
(USA Today, 12/23/2020)
(The Huffington Post, 10/27/2020)
(The New York Times, 10/13/2020)
(The New York Times, 10/9/2020)
(The Wall Street Journal, 10/4/2020)
(Black Enterprise, 10/1/2020)
(CNN, 9/21/2020)
(NBC News, 9/17/2020)
(Politico, 09/15/2020)
(The Guardian, 9/4/2020)
Below is a list of statements or letters issued by organizations or associations regarding Executive Order 13950, organized with the most recent at the top.
Attorneys General of Connecticut, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia, Executive Order 13950 Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Oct. 30, 2020
American Library Association, Statement on Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Oct. 29, 2020
The State University of New York, Message to SUNY Community about the Importance of Diversity Training, Oct. 22, 2020
National Council of Nonprofits, Joint Letter signed by 41 Nonprofit Organizations, Oct. 21, 2020
AIDs United, White House Bans Diversity Trainings About Race and Sex Bias, Oct. 19, 2020
Michael H. Schill - University of Oregon, Committed to equity and inclusion work despite federal executive order, Oct. 16, 2020
Joint Letter signed by 161 for-profit business and nonprofit organizations, including the National Council of Nonprofits and U.S. Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of their thousands of members, Private Sector Letter to the President in Opposition to the Executive Order on Race and Sex Stereotyping, Oct. 15, 2020
DiversityEdu, A Response to the Executive Order on Diversity Training, Oct. 15, 2020
American Hospital Association, American Medical Association and American Nurses Association, Letter to President Donald Trump on Executive Order 13950, Oct. 14, 2020
American Council of Engineering Companies, Federal Contractors Join in Opposition to Executive Order that Bars Certain Diversity and Inclusion Training, Oct. 14, 2020
Circa, Circa Supports HR Policy Association on Opposition of Executive Order 13950, Oct. 13, 2020
American Alliance of Museums, Statement in Response to the Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Oct. 13, 2020
Association of Research Libraries, Statement on the US Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Oct. 9, 2020
Tony Reardon National President of the National Treasury Employees Union, Confronting Racism is Our American Duty, Oct. 9, 2020
Alliance for Digital Innovation, with 10 other technology, software and advertising organizations representing thousands of government contractors, Joint Letter in Opposition, Oct. 8, 2020
American Council on Education, Joint Letter signed by 56 Organizations Representing Higher Education Institutions, Oct. 8, 2020
American Society of Neurology, ASN Opposes Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Oct. 8, 2020
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc (LDF), Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and National Women’s Law Center, Civil Rights Groups and Allies Condemn White House Move to Censor Race and Gender Equity Training, Oct. 7, 2020
STEM community (scientific, technical, engineering and math), Multi-Society Effort in Urging Trump Administration to Rescind Elimination of Federal DEI Training Programs, Oct. 7, 2020
Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, President of Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Trump's order interfering with diversity efforts: The wrong move at the wrong time, The Hill, Oct. 1, 2020
Clean Water Action, Joint Letter signed by 121 Conservation Organizations to Congressional Leaders, Oct. 1, 2020
American Association of Advertising Agencies, 4A’s Pushes Back On Trump’s Move To Suppress Diversity Training At Agencies, Oct. 1, 2020
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, PhRMA Statement on Presidential Executive Order Restricting Diversity Training, Oct. 1, 2020
TESOL International Association, Statement on Executive Order Banning Sensitivity Training Programs in the United States, Oct. 1, 2020
American Historical Association, Statement Urging Retraction of Executive Order Prohibiting the Inclusion of “Divisive Concepts” in Employee Training Sessions, Oct. 2020
Physician Assistant Education Association, PAEA Endorses AAMC Statement Regarding President’s Executive Order on ‘Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping,’ Sept. 30, 2020
American Society for Engineering Education, Letter to OMB and Office of Science and Technology Policy, Sept. 30, 2020
American Psychological Association, APA Decries Administration Orders to Restrict Federal Diversity Training, Sept. 30, 2020
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, ACGME Issues Statement on the Executive Order on Race and Sex Stereotyping, Sept. 30, 2020
HR Policy Association, Statement by HR Policy Association on the Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Sept. 30, 2020
American Association for Access Equity and Diversity, Statement Regarding Executive Order, Sept. 29, 2020
American Counseling Association, Responds to Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Sept. 29, 2020
University of Michigan President, Statement on Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Sept. 26, 2020
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ASBMB statement on Trump’s executive order banning racial sensitivity training, Sept. 25, 2020
American Dental Education Association, ADEA Statement in Support of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workplace Training, Sept. 25, 2020
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, AACAP Statement on President’s Executive Order - "Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping,” Sept. 25, 2020
Internet Association, Statement on The Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Sept. 25, 2020
National Association of Social Workers, NASW Affronted by President Trump’s Sinister Executive Order on Racial and Sexual Stereotyping, Sept. 25, 2020
American Educational Research Association and National Academy of Education, Statement Joined by 16 organizations in Support of Anti-Racist Education, Sept. 24, 2020
National Skills Coalition, NSC Statement on President's Executive Order Banning Anti-Racism and Anti-Sexism Training, Sept. 24, 2020
Union of Concerned Scientists, White House Executive Order Silences Anti-Racism, Anti-Sexism Programs at Federal Agencies, Sept. 24, 2020
National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education, NADOHE statement on DEI training, Sept. 24, 2020
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, ASPPH Statement on Executive Order Halting Trainings on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Sept. 24, 2020
Association of American Medical Colleges, AAMC Statement on Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Sept. 24, 2020
University of New Mexico Division for Equity and Inclusion, Response from the Division for Equity and Inclusion to Executive Order on "Combating Race & Sex Stereotyping", Sept. 24, 2020
Information Technology Industry Council, New Executive Order is a Major Step Backward for Racial Equality, Sept. 23, 2020
Congressional Black Caucus, Tri-Caucus Chairs’ Statement on Trump Administration Prohibiting Federal Agencies from Conducting Anti-Racism Training, Sept. 8, 2020
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, AACP Statement Related to Racism, Education and the Sept. 22 Executive Order, date unknown
American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare, AASWSW Strongly Opposes the September 22, 2020 Presidential Executive Order on Combatting Race and Sex Stereotyping, date unknown
National Coalition for Literacy, NCL Board Statement on Executive Order 13950, date unknown